Settings Reference


A list of strings. Each string should be a Python dotted path to a function implementing a configuration check that will be run by the checksecure management command.

Defaults to:




Django 1.4+ provides the same functionality via the X_FRAME_OPTIONS setting and XFrameOptionsMiddleware. You can use either this setting or Django’s, there’s no value in using both.

If set to True, causes SecurityMiddleware to set the X-Frame-Options: DENY header on all responses that do not already have that header (and where the view was not decorated with the frame_deny_exempt decorator).

Defaults to False.


If set to a non-zero integer value, causes SecurityMiddleware to set the HTTP Strict Transport Security header on all responses that do not already have that header.

Defaults to 0.


If True, causes SecurityMiddleware to add the includeSubDomains tag to the HTTP Strict Transport Security header.

Has no effect unless SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS is set to a non-zero value.

Defaults to False (only for backwards compatibility; in most cases if HSTS is used it should be set to True).


If set to True, causes SecurityMiddleware to set the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header on all responses that do not already have that header.

Defaults to False.


If set to True, causes SecurityMiddleware to set the X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block header on all responses that do not already have that header.

Defaults to False.



This setting is built-in to Django 1.4+. The Django setting works identically to this version.

A tuple of (“header”, “value”); if “header” is set to “value” in request.META, django-secure will tell Django to consider this a secure request. For example:


See Detecting proxied SSL for more details.

Defaults to None.


If you set this to a header that your proxy allows through from the request unmodified (i.e. a header that can be spoofed), you are allowing an attacker to pretend that any request is secure, even if it is not. Make sure you only use a header that your proxy sets unconditionally, overriding any value from the request.


Should be a list of regular expressions. Any URL path matching a regular expression in this list will not be redirected to HTTPS, if SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT is True (if it is False this setting has no effect).

Defaults to [].


If set to a string (e.g., all SSL redirects will be directed to this host rather than the originally-requested host (e.g. If SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT is False, this setting has no effect.

Defaults to None.


If set to True, causes SecurityMiddleware to redirect all non-HTTPS requests to HTTPS (except for those URLs matching a regular expression listed in SECURE_REDIRECT_EXEMPT).


If turning this to True causes infinite redirects, it probably means your site is running behind a proxy and can’t tell which requests are secure and which are not. Your proxy likely sets a header to indicate secure requests; you can correct the problem by finding out what that header is and configuring the SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER setting accordingly.

Defaults to False.