1.0.1 (2014.10.23)

  • Hide django-secure tests from pre-1.6 Django test runners, to avoid breaking project tests.

1.0 (2013.04.17)

  • BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Dropped tested support for Python 2.5, Django 1.2, and Django 1.3.
  • Added support and testing for Python 3 (though all non-test code worked fine under Python 3 previously.)

0.1.3 (2013.04.17)

  • Added check for SECRET_KEY. Thanks Ram Rachum.

0.1.2 (2012.04.13)

  • Added the SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS setting. Thanks Paul McMillan for the report and Donald Stufft for the patch. Fixes #13.
  • Added the X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block header. Thanks Johannas Heller.

0.1.1 (2011.11.23)

  • Added the X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff header. Thanks Johannas Heller.
  • SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER setting now patches request.is_secure() so it respects proxied SSL, to avoid redirects to http that should be to https.

0.1.0 (2011.05.29)

  • Initial release.