Settings Reference ================== .. contents:: :local: .. _SECURE_CHECKS: SECURE_CHECKS ------------- A list of strings. Each string should be a Python dotted path to a function implementing a configuration check that will be run by the :doc:`checksecure management command `. Defaults to:: [ "djangosecure.check.csrf.check_csrf_middleware", "djangosecure.check.sessions.check_session_cookie_secure", "djangosecure.check.sessions.check_session_cookie_httponly", "djangosecure.check.djangosecure.check_security_middleware", "djangosecure.check.djangosecure.check_sts", "djangosecure.check.djangosecure.check_frame_deny", "djangosecure.check.djangosecure.check_ssl_redirect", ] .. _SECURE_FRAME_DENY: SECURE_FRAME_DENY ----------------- If set to ``True``, causes :doc:`middleware` to set the :ref:`x-frame-options` header on all responses that do not already have that header (and where the view was not decorated with the ``frame_deny_exempt`` decorator). Defaults to ``False``. .. _SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS: SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS ------------------- If set to a non-zero integer value, causes :doc:`middleware` to set the :ref:`http-strict-transport-security` header on all responses that do not already have that header. Defaults to ``0``. .. _SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER: SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER ----------------------- In some deployment scenarios, Django's ``request.is_secure()`` method returns ``False`` even on requests that are actually secure, because the HTTPS connection is made to a front-end loadbalancer or reverse-proxy, and the internal proxied connection that Django sees is not HTTPS. Usually in these cases the proxy server provides an alternative header to indicate the secured external connection. This setting, if set, should be a tuple of ("header", "value"); if "header" is set to "value" in the request, django-secure will consider it a secure request. For example:: SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTOCOL", "https") Defaults to ``None``. .. _SECURE_REDIRECT_EXEMPT: SECURE_REDIRECT_EXEMPT ---------------------- Should be a list of regular expressions. Any URL path matching a regular expression in this list will not be redirected to HTTPS, if :ref:`SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT` is ``True`` (if it is ``False`` this setting has no effect). Defaults to ``[]``. .. _SECURE_SSL_HOST: SECURE_SSL_HOST --------------- If set to a string (e.g. ````), all SSL redirects will be directed to this host rather than the originally-requested host (e.g. ````). If :ref:`SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT` is ``False``, this setting has no effect. Defaults to ``None``. .. _SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT: SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT ------------------- If set to ``True``, causes :doc:`middleware` to :ref:`redirect ` all non-HTTPS requests to HTTPS (except for those URLs matching a regular expression listed in :ref:`SECURE_REDIRECT_EXEMPT`). Defaults to ``False``.